Change young people's mind set and change the world

Be the change you want to see  

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Welcome to... Hope for Change!

  • Change young people's mind set.  And Change the world..!
  • Be the change. You would want to see in the world..!




The future of any nation today lies in the hands of its young people. To see if Africa, especially countries in the southern region and all those places affected by the same magnitude of pestilences and calamities, the hope remains in what young people of those countries have, what they are doing and if whether they  are ready to deliver. Zambia is a country that is now suffering a lot of social-economic and natural injustice. A higher record of now increase; of crime, homicides, child abuse and defilement, women’s rights volition, HIV and AIDS in every society, and the list go on and on. We can not stop to mention that, the young people have greatly been affected if not infected.

The culture of Zambia comes from the contribution of more than 72 tribes of the country. Looking at the historical track of these tribes, they all have been moving from one place to another. With now the most advancing modern world, people have the access to the information all round the world; the lifestyle of the people and there different beliefs, their morals and traditional values. This has made an impact in revolutionizing the culture of our country and people. Young people have accessed the other cultures that subjected many of them to a transformation of their minds to an expense of becoming detoriated. At the University of Zambia students have different family background, their inseption in school provides them to meet different aspect of lifestyle. in tring to persue their carias they incounter many chalenges that push many students to do and become what many never aspaired to be. some challanges that these students face include; accodation, tution sponsership, food, accademic matirials, etc. these and many others have left a lot of students to be vonarable to corupt practices, prostitution and other ilisity behaviors.

The pandemic of HIV and AIDS has been one of the large calling for the lose of energetic young people. Although the sensitization and conselling have kept going on, the pandemic has not kept being off the verge. More and more of the young people are being inffected. the situation is  rapant esspecially to students who are just geting exporsed such as junior students most vonareble are the female and first years. most of the situations that tend to lead student to give in to sex are criticle such as they are pushed at a couner and fell to stand the test. these challeges may be accdemic; e.g student are on accdemic presure, they just need to solve the asignments and those who have the solutions demands sex, this is realy commone at the institution starting from the lectures, tutors and felow students. Because the host in this situation are the ones on the advantage the vanurable students are on a disadvantage to have their accdemic problems solved and their life prblems to begin. we dream of a world where students will come into this University and go into the world more helthier and redy to save the people, we would like to see student walk into a lectureler's office, student's room without any fear of sexaul harasments. yes we hope to see students to be helped in anyway without any sexaul price taged touched to it. we hope for change for all sexaul fixed mind sests around campus. however, the behavior and moral conduct of the young people should not be ignored if we are to positively work towards combating the plunge of HIV and AIDS. If things are going slow, lets try to move a bit fast and hash. If the situation can not change, then let’s give it a jump-start. This is a situation where we have to get to war with the mind while we allow an accommodative environment of the physic to take place.

Most of the people in Zambia have been stuck with blows of poverty, in its margin; poverty has affected every one whether rich or poor, educated and uneducated. The difference is how much the levels of poverty and the parameters used to measure this poverty. this has an impact to students and the way they persive life and education. many will pesuer their cariar with one and only motive to escape poverty, for this reason their only value of staying at UNZA is to complete their programe and go and get employed. they do not care of what hapens at the institution oa what becomes of the institution. This has conributed to the vandalisim of propertis and less careing to the things that may help another students. the way that students have kept their own rooms tells you who they are and what they can do and those who come in also soon join the system, one may wonder whether truly these are the cream of the nation. the behavior of many student does not suport the principle that should guid this nation to aliviate the poverty system it is currenly facing. too much minds ready to have plesure and lesure unlike the minds ready to research, learn and become more inovative. This has left a fixed mind set  in students that things will not get better or things can not get better, they have less hope if not none that change can previle. Those with little privilege become selfish, greedy and proud; they have this fixed mind set that things will always get better or that nothing can get bad for them.

For some reasons mentioned above and many others, we undercount how many times young people have been underestimated, but rather reconsider how much the young people are needed this time. And therefor, we the students at the University of Zambia would like to get involved in uplifting the image of this country and the people and at the University of Zambia create this group to be known as Hope for Change.



The main objective of this association is to change the mind sets of the students by encourage them to participate in our talents and character building programeme and allowing student access to mind set changing information. In this regard, as aforementioned, we will establish a networking system which will channel communication airing student's chalenges and solutions with local associations at campus and outside campus. increase cooperation between universisities within the country and outside who will share the same common interest with Hope For Change.


objectivies for 2008 first semister:

·                    Establishing a web site( that will strategically enable great exposeure for the students. The committee and members of the assosiation will air students challenges on the internet and consqently recieve sugetions from all round the world that will garranttee solution to the curent students problems.

·                    To organise events that will outline some of the chalenges that students face on campus and propalse solutions. these shall be acompaned by guests who will motivate students and leave them with Hope For Change. 

·                    To feture the progume of hope for change on the UNZA radio station

·                    To put up motivations on notice boards, broshure on the libraly entrence desk and give away flies on selected topics of changing the mind sets.



·                      To change students the mind sets from a fixed mind sets to to a growth mind set to an extent were they would become valueble solution to the challenges that the University is facing.


·                     To see students increase participation in character building, appreciation of their own culture in coparison to that of the west and an altanative moral values to be recogniesed.


·                     To empower students with a wide platform to air their views that would seriously be considered and allow necesary measurements to undertaken.





·                    web establishing and mentenace

The association will establish a website that will comprise different segments, of these shall be:

1. the segment that will be for recreation and intertainment A to Z.latest music and vidios on the sceen, latest news             around the world, fashion, lifstile, joks, chat room, etc.

            2. education

            3. consultation and cunselling

            4. motivetion

            5. strictly subscription

            6. poetry and  new creation

            7. development and enovation

            8. history, present and future



·                    Consultation meetings:

            the association will allow a situation were students will be meeting on specific dates and days and discus some of the issue that deeply affect them. This will also act as the consultation for those students with different challenges that affect either there personal life or academic life. students on these date  according to the subject on that day will discus and consult how they would recertify some of the challenges faced by the students.

            It shall be on these same meetings that according to the issue at hand that the committee will invite some expert persons            to come and address students on how some of the challenges and goals have been attained in the past by them and other successful people, and provide possible solutions on how best some issues may be addressed if students were to become victorious in the named situation.


·                    Detailed review and Situation analysis:

            The Team of the members of the committee will further conduct a situation analysis in line with the overall objective of         this assignment and collect all relevant information about the way in which this change of the mind sets in young             student, cooperation networking with other associations at UNZA and out side together with relevant stakeholders at local and international levels and any such information that will lead to the achievement of the overall objective of this consultancy. This will provide the team with enough understanding in terms of selection and justification of the proposed potential change and financial aid.



Whats the philosophy?

Tuli's Philosophy




When every one is sick and tired of something and all they can do is sit and does nothing, watch, see and say nothing. Something is so bad that some people can not change or rather that people are always the same. I do not believe that, no I don’t. When new horizons un fords, challenge can be solved. People can turn the hands of time and start afresh.

Many young people are faced with challenges that call for their decision to determine their destiny, some people are privileged that they have others who are directly in contact with them. They provide such an environment that they are able to make informed decision, however not always is their some one to help us on what to choose or how to decide, to help us decide what is right over what is wrong,  people especially young people mostly decide from what is available. They would rather go and play ball because that’s what they can do at that time, that’s what’s available.

The greatest friend to help us achieve great success is the person within us. He is the one close to us more than every one around us , when things are going wrong he comforts and gives us solutions, when things are write he cerebrates and congratulates us, the entire purpose of life is to make this in persona happy and satisfied. However it is not so absolute that things will always go right in our lives. Nature has got its own way of balancing thing.

 The greatest time of defining someone’s greatness is when he or she is still a child. He or she is connected to her inner self, that’s the time a person can be told that you shall be come a doctor and surely when they grow up they become one. When still a child your mother will tell you shall become a saver of souls and when we grow up we become the savers of souls. So many wars have been won and battles lost, the beginning of things may not be the same as the end, some how some way we may trend in wrong paths and lose way.

Personally to lose way from the right is not wrong, but to lose way from what is wrong is not only wrong but dangerous. It is this reason that many young people can not do what is write not because they don’t know what is right, but that they do not know how to get way from the wrong. No matter how much people may seem to be enjoying what is wrong, it only eludes how much they have sank in the wrong, trapped in confusion of deception tired and sik of every thing, sited and doing nothing, watching, seeing and saying nothing! That’s the situation the current world we are living is, young people wont care about the better world for that’s not what they have seen the old doing, boys and girls get to class but rather go to the parks, streets, molls etc because that’s what they have seen their brothers and sisters doing. And this seems right because that’s what every one is doing.

The way to what is right is no far and not hard. The question is, are we ready to start the journey to what is right? For many hard began but felled along the way the few who might have reached lost the fore sight. Where are the people that hard the vision of the absolute right? Who lead us this far and could not lead us forth, who belt these structures but could not finish them to be a living testimony. Where are they? Has the ground swallowed them like we hear from the tales of history or the myths of mystery? The journey is not for the dead but the living, neither the truth for kings but the faithful. The prophesy says “the old will dream dreams and the young will see visions”. Follow me as I lead from the forgotten dream and together lets discover a new vision…..









When I talk about change, I mean a shift of the mind set from one dimension to the other. When I speak about people change, I mean that people should shift their mind set from doing what is wrong to start doing what is right. When I say young people should change I mean young people should change there mind sets from doing what is wrong to start doing what  is right. There many ways in which we can shift the mind sets as they are many reasons why there should be a shift in the mind set of people especially the young.

I believe that every bad person can turn from all the bad, evil and wicked thoughts and deeds.  Change and become one of the perfect human characters the world has ever produced. Society has not moved forward not because there has not bee some one to do the right thing or do bring change, but rather that people are resistance to change. to many people change is always trouble and when some on speak of change then to them that person is insetting trouble and who would like trouble when peace an consolation is all they need to their troubled souls. Yes the peace we seem to being enjoying, the freedom our minds claims to be having is so mingled, clustered with hatred and pain. We do not do thing from as we feel them in side, we do things they feel them out side. Therefore we will always be trying to make a living and never ever make life. Because of this many of the great men and women have died trying to make a living and never made life, they had come into the world and passed through without reaching and doing the purpose of their own life, the reason in the real world only the wrong is real the right never real.

When some on says I will do the right many people will doubt and criticizes such a person because to them wrong is what they have been always seeing, to them wrong is what holds the pillars of the four corners of the earth. They have never seen change and have never believed in the ideal world. Therefore the young people will always be doing wrong because a model like Nelson Mandela and Dr. Martini Ruther did not live in a real world. The real world encompasses the war in Irak, racial killing in Uganda, masker and ding of innocent people in the yesterday peaceful countries like Kenya and Zimbabwe. The world is in need of greater change than what our eyes have seen today. The young people are the only hope to this change we are talking about.

Therefore when one speak of change its not that they are trying inset trouble or something, rather we should know that it is only a guide line to a better world they are trying to advocate. And when one say young people should change it is because one has seen that young people can do better than they are doing at present. This is the reason why people if there should be change in every young person it has to begin with cleaning up of their minds. Only after the minds of the young has been cleaned, and then can new philosophy preached to them. This new philosophy is the change of the mind set.

The vision is alive and the vision is real and the young people can fit in the vision. Those in the earlier years of life aged less than five should be motivated to the philosophy of a clean mind, those above the age of five but less than fifteen should be initiated to the knowledge of a youth make a change, young people can make the a positive change, however these young people should be checked in case they have already an infected minds. Those above the age of fifteen should all undergo a cleaning session and then a restore of the new mind set. The operation of this cleaning of the mind is much simple than it seems. The shifting of the mind set is easier than it seems, with very interesting activities. The young people will not even realize that they are undergoing the cleaning of their minds for they will have fresher, relived and better each time.